The Place of Dead Roads (2013)

by Joachim Koester

Boglárka Börcsök, Liz Kinoshita & Halla Olafsdottir, video still: Adam Jandrup

Boglárka Börcsök, Liz Kinoshita & Halla Olafsdottir, video still: Adam Jandrup

“The Danish artist takes us on a journey to a subterranean world; a ‘road used by the dead’. Inspired by a quote by the Austrian-American psycho-analyst Wilhelm Reich: ‘Every muscular contraction contains the history and meaning of its origin’, Koester transforms the typical movements from the Western world into an odd kind of dance.”

“Dancers Pieter Ampe, Boglárka Börcsök, Liz Kinoshita and Halla Olafsdottir take on different poses, draw and aim their gun, attack and defend in a seemingly uncontrollable stream of jerky movements and expressions. Koester borrowed the title and concept of the work, The Place of Dead Roads, from a novel by William S. Burroughs Wild West, in which Burroughs tells the story of Kim Carsons, a cowboy who attempts to escape his own dead body, after being fatally shot in 1899.”

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Nicolai Wallner Galleri 

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